Chapter: Cemetery
The cemetery, located on North Buck Creek Road, is owned and maintained by the
Village of Ferryville for the benefit of its citizens. Chapter 19 of the Municipal Code of
Ordinances provides the rules and regulations for the operation of the cemetery.
Supervision of the cemetery is assigned to the Cemetery Committee, appointed by
the Village President and approved by the Village Board. The Committee members
Brenda Torger Vassar, Chairperson
Phone: 608-734-9200
Email: bvassar@centurytel.net
David Sandy
Phone: 608-734-3356
Bridget Schill
Phone: 608-734-3471
Email: bridgetschill@yahoo.com
All funds, including trust funds for perpetual care, are maintained by the Village
Treasurer and deeds and records are maintained by the Village Clerk. Grave lots are
available for sale.
The Village Board has set the following prices for grave site lots:
Grave Lot - $150.00
Perpetual Care - $150.00
Questions regarding the cemetery should be directed to members of the Cemetery
Committee. If unable to reach a committee member, contact the Village Clerk at
608-734-3471 or email at ferryville-vc@mchsi.com .